Submissions & Tips
We encourage submissions from artists in any part of the world to submit their art.
The Term Art
We have used the term art to represent all creative fields, including but not limited to Photography, Illustrations, Architecture, Traditional Art, Designs and Interface, Digital Art, Game Development Art, Cartoons and Comics, Customization, Fractal Art, Film and Animation, Literature, Manga & Anime, Resources & Stock Images, Flash, Fan Art, Community Projects, Installation Art, Design, Anthrop,
Because this is an open site, we expect everyone to be mindful of what they submit and share. CritixSpace was established to serve many audiences, including those in grade school through the university level. Works involving sex, violence, or particularly sensitive topics may be rejected. Since there is a general understanding that artists have different ways of expressing their ideas, we will accept and post most of what you submit. However, we reserve the right to reject inappropriate works or those that do not meet the standard we set for ourselves. If your project is rejected, we will do our best to let you know why it was rejected.
How to Submit to CritixSpace
If you are interested in sharing your work or an art idea you find very interesting with other community members, please send us an email or leave a post. We really appreciate your contribution.
We encourage everyone to submit their work. If you do want to share works that you find interesting but are not yours, you may send us the tips.
To submit your work, please send a brief email with a basic description of your work. In addition, attach a few relevant images sized at 1000px or larger. You may include a few links directly to the project if it will help us better understand your work. To make our work easier, please indicate a direct link to your project or work if they are located in a portfolio or gallery somewhere.
Submissions can be sent here: ADD POST
Attention Galleries/ Event Organizers
Galleries and event organizers interested in submitting materials to CritxSpace should include relevant installation views or existing photos of the artist’s works.
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